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Somatic Herbalism session online with Asaya: Offering a space for you to express yourself and reflect on your journey. She will help you explore the roots of imbalances such as grief, fear, addiction, fatigue, sleep disruptions, low libido, hormonal and digestive issues. Together, you will explore lifestyle changes, rituals, and plant medicines that can help you experience more abundance, love, peace, and personal power so you can make choices from a more centered place.

Asaya approaches healing using Ayurvedic principle and believes that “You have to feel it if you want to heal it. : She can help you understand the potent power of plant medicine for spiritual, emotional and physical healing through moving with the motion and opening up the the truth in your heart.

Somatic Herbalist, Mystical Dancer, Medicine Woman Spirit Helper, Moon Dancer and and is an initiate of Sweat Lodge traditions from the Coast Salish First Nation of Canada and Temazcal from the Nawat Nation of Mexico. She has been travelling the world following her passion to help her community with Vibrational medicine, learning and sharing different way to awaken and reconnect to the source learning from different traditions. She is constantly learning from the plant world, following her passion for Herbal medicine, Ceremony and Ritual, Massage and Energy healing. She has been traveling for over 17 years. learning wildcraft and natural medicine from men and women all around the world. Asaya has been following her passion to help her community with Vibrational medicine. She was trained in the Mayan tradition in Guatemala, studying with Nana Marina. She also draws from her experiences learning about Cacao with Keith Wilson, learning Tantra Sex Magic with Dr Bill, and taking part Mystical Dance Tantra teacher training at Agama. She also studied herbal Medicine and Ayurveda at Pacific Rim College and in continues to work closely with her herbal teacher, Seán Pádraig O'Donoghue .

"Our ancestors drew health, strength, nourishment, and meaning from their relationship to the natural world, and yet today most of us have lost that vital connection. It should then come as no surprise that we are living in an age of unprecedented anxiety, depression, loneliness, and illness.”

“ Our bodies, minds, and spirits have become unbalanced in an unbalanced world Plants are our wild kindred and have the power to connect us with the life within and around us.” Above quotes are the words of Seán Pádraig O'Donoghue

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Seeing the light in the eyes and confidence disappearing. Women been receiving the abuse verbally from their men coming home for 100”s of years. Something goes wrong and they receive the load. Fearing the next morning waking up to someone that may attack mentally. Trying to help them heal knowing that we deserve so much better. Will give him one more chance cause I deserve to be treated right. Violence continuing house being trash, things broken, fear of leaving and darkness setting into the inner glow, not recognizing the self when looking into the mirror. Must be a healing chrysis I will stay to help him…. All those tough coming to existence cause I deserve it… Asking the person to leave but space being disrespected, womb disrespected. Nightmare setting into the night and days. Spirit trying to pull me out of this continuing night mare. I never thought I will be weak enough to stay. Me?? Im so strong. Im such a good person why ? After such a period the body is been accumulating tension, stress, heaviness, Nerve trauma start to loop into existence.

Last week I died inside and had to learn to re exist. Healing my womb from all the lies. Having to talk to my womb and let her know she is safe. But it take some time. Being a herbalist I have the knowledge how to heal my womb and my nervous system. Been working with different nervine Tincture to stop the loop of the story playing in my head, talking to my body and bringing back the good vibration in with self love. It took me a week to feel like I wanna live. Not everyone has the tool to work true this. Im very grateful for this experience that teach me more compassion for victim incident that cause trauma to the body. Having to focus on things and relationship that are meaningful to me to level up my dopamine and seratonine level and assistance with tincture. Thanks for all the love and friends who been supporting me true this re experiencing the looping story and pain over and over… Nature and cedar bath every day to cleanse the residu . Smudging my womb and heart continually. Psylocibine Cacao ceremony to release the emotion and heaviness pressing upon me. Keeping my home clean just like my inner temple. Making love to myself the way I wish to worship sending healing prayers to my mind, body and soul. Tinctures to calm my nerve 3 time a day. Time will heal and I already feel better and better everyday. This feeling of safety re entering my body. I start to earring my inner voice again. Trusting in my self and my intuition. Tuning in to my own divinity inside my womb. She knows my power of creation and from this place of peace and feeling safe I can create again. I think trauma come back into our life to learn forgiveness for the past child trauma. They’re a reason why we replay the story. When the poison went in its need to get out. Forgiveness take time and communication. Trying every possible way to be heard. Changing the story with understanding. Learning to Dance again and finding the energy to be little by little. Being ok with the slow process. Take time. Im moving on stronger with more compassion to know how to help others in similar experience. Please reach out if you been experiencing nerve trauma. I can help. Free Herbal consultation on line.

I been sharing Cacao Ceremony and I wanted to explain with you the deep process that this medicine and type of rituals can offer. When we experience trauma we feel like struggle to feel clear and function in the society, going true a deep depression, or experiencing confusion and lack or purpose, misalignment . Often cause they’re some emotion trap in our body leaving us feeling disconnected. If those feeling or not express or released from our body and replace with good vibrations it can turn into illness.

Entering this rituals we ask the Elder of the area for permission to open a ritual on the land where ancestors been buried, paying respect for for the path that they have built before us. It’s important to have been taught and have spend time helping and learning from our elder, medicine Man/ Woman to offer this type of rituals. Some peoples spend a minimum of 4 years doing sun dance or Moon dance (for woman) to be granted the skills and connection to the source to understand the process and to connect deeply with the power of the elements. Their certain way of doing rituals that been used for 1000’s of years and they are still being use today for a reason. For me using fire or my Copalero is a very important element to protect my peoples using medicine. And so has using the all elements. This is why when we open a ritual we call in the 4 elements. We call in upon their power to give thanks for what their offer.

*East Air: the breath, the deeper we breath the deeper we feel that make us realize that we have to make the right decision to keep our air clean. Using medicine that we burn like copal, saje, cedar.. to send away true the smoke the unwanted energy from the space and body to keep ourself safe. Asking the spirit of eagle to complete the process.

*South Fire, The sun ,the power of transmutation, transformation, this is where we send the unwanted energy, emotions, entity, spirit that we may carry to burn away. The sun is the light, keeping us bright and clear.

*Earth, giving thanks for dancing on the land, every step is a prayer, giving thanks for the abundance of good food, medicinal plants and tree that feed us to leave. Earth Where everything regenerate it self. The power of grounding to be more present. You can help landing a person that have not been present in their body using this element. Sometime we lose our ground from trauma witch keep us in our mind, sending us into the cloud cause the reality can be hard the see and feel.

* Water grand mother moon, the power of purification. A reminder to always honour the waters within and around us. We are made of water, if our water is not clean our mind spirit and body is not clear.

Here is a reminder of the teaching that is been past on from my elder. I been doing moon dance for 6 years now. Like a sorceress using the source I understand how to use the elements to help you heal. The medicine of cacao, fungi and herbal blend helps to bring you to the vision and feeling that help you see and feel what needs to be let go, process. We try as much as possible to stay in silence no words for a big part of the ceremony to help feel and express with dance, sound, scream, giggles what ever needs to come up and to be released from the emotional body. Sometime the body will experience a purge releasing the toxins from the body leaving us clearer in our mind and digestions helping us digest our emotions. When our digestions is not functioning well our mind is cloudy so it can be experience in a physical illness.

So not to say you shouldn’t take medicine recreatively, but if you do it well, with a guide the unwanted spirit that are being released get send back to the fire so it no longer wonder around in this world. The opening and closing of the ceremony is has important, closing the door behind you, asking the spirits, entity to find their way home to the light if they have been lost and attach to you, influencing your actions.

When you open yourself to disassociating medicine like DMT etc.. be careful where and how you use these medicine. I personally will never use those medicine/drugs at festival. When an individual use those drugs without a good intention and reverence to the land and the spirit around you it could leave you addicted unclear or confuse. If one doesn’t have a good spiritual practice to protect their aura and using medicine/drugs to often it can weaken your protection (aura). Im very grateful for my soul, and everything that it carry and remember from the life I have leave before. If you have any questions or are curious about these rituals. Please ask me, you can offer me tobacco to ask me questions. If you need a brush off , some clearing and alignment in your life. Please come to ceremony to remember the power of prayer and intention. That could help you being more present, find purpose, connect with your higher self, guides, ancestor and Ascendent Master. Bringing you tool to stay clear and in alignment


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