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Writer's picture: asayadgasayadg

Updated: Jan 25, 2023

How to heal symptoms of Covid’s and influenza with Elecampane and other plants allies.

New moon Elecampane Harvest kinda day!! ✨

This special harvest can only be gathered every 2 years. This one is 3rd year roots from Nevada city. (bi-annual plants.) Roots medicine are best harvest in New Moon in the spring or fall cause the energy is in the earth during New Moon and in the Leaf stem flowers and leaves during Full moon. The energy is grounded in the earth well the plants is not in bloom so in dormant season like today in Nevada City the weather is already springny, so perfect New Moon for a root medicine harvest.

I Will be transplanting a small part of it to my new garden.

Elecampane is a plant with a long history use for protection and finding love. Is an ally if you feel yourself torn between worlds, note quite fitting, or struggling to be seeing the most authentic self. Elecampane can help center your hearten your body, your actions during a transition, or in a moment when you simply feel unseen or misperceived . Elecampane is an ally if you wonder where you belong and how to arrive there safely. Will help you in purging the fears, decay, muck and debris that can build up inside when we are not able to fully express ourself.

My teacher Seán Pádraig O'Donoghue said it’s one of the best for emotions to flow in motion if high kapha in laughs. Really good for tight chest during Covid virus or influenza to heal yellow green mucous, bacterial infections.

I Made some steam extraction honey and apple cider fresh tincture maceration extraction. Im Playing around with different ingredients and transformation. That way I can feel what works best. All plants are different so I like to try many different extraction. Honey is great for children cold and flu.

For Anti bacterial infection .

Use: (for thick mucous):

1 full dropper of tincture 1:1 every 2 hrs…

Also can be use with a tincture blend of Hawthorn flower and berry for thick leathery mucus membrane to blow down effect of blood vessel tension.

Cause covid is a vascular disease. Elecampane can help respiratory symptoms the effect blood vessel in respiratory systems with a viso dilator formula:

Tincture 1:1 Could be use 3x per day or as needed:

Hawthorn 2x

black cohosh 1x

yarrow 1x

lobelia 1x

Message me for A CUSTOM order of this formula

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Updated: Jan 25, 2023

More and more Women are finding their voice to speak about their challenges . We are becoming more aware of where we are coming from, and this way we know how to work better with our ancestral trauma and patterns.

The womb holds memories of all our ancestral patterns, programmations, trauma as well as the blessings. For many of us we came here to clear those karmic patterns with understanding and clarification.

For some to carry life to this world changing our DNA with Awareness and gratefulness so our children don't have to go threw the same challenges.

I have been feeling the call to bring women together to speak of the wisdom of the womb. To connect deeply with this portal to our intuition, this tribal inner voice that we feel threw the raddom of the earth heart beats.

To go deep into the intelligence of the womb portal.

It’s time to lesson, feel and care for each other, together we can bring more energy, this power of manifestation.

Allowing the fire within each other to shine brighter and stronger to connect deeper with our desires and power to create.

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There many ways to treat depression and anxiety (imbalance) with herbs. Anti anxiety drugs are very dangerous to get off. Can trigger a heart attack and anti depressant medication stop the serotonine receptor so its not legal to get someone off medication cause they could go crazy or very sad for a periods of time until the body re-calibrate. Anti psychotic are now use to treat depression, if one try to get off medication it could trigger a psychosis...

There way to treat depression, grief and Anxiety with herbal medicine and Ceremony. Old energy needing to be process love and released. I do free consultation cause I think it’s important for peoples to be more informed about their options , commitment and risk.

There is ways to get off medication working with Doctor and herbalist. I help a friend cause he was getting off anti-depressant, we used herbal medicine , he did it all naturally with herbal tinctures and exercises. We went in ceremony together after 4 months of preparation and devotion to go back to feeling and processing the emotions.

Its been so beautiful to see the magic of reconnecting with the plant world. The forest remind us who we are. Spend more time in nature or bring nature to you with herbal medicine. Elemental healing and reconnection. Its hard to keep the sanity in cities with all the energy floating around and constant movement. It Can be hard to to get real good restful sleep. Lots to understand about the environment we choose to surround ourselves in. The good good vibrations keep us balance but when one live in the middle of chaos their is ways to treat the imbalance with herbs. Serotonine and dopamine balance. But very best is to be mindful who we choose to share our energy with has an empath and when we take on unwanted energy how to clear ourself.

Message me if you have any questions.

Details @

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