Ancestral Magik Medicine Journey
Join Asaya for 4 day of Somatic Herbalism Ceremonies. A liberating experience to awaken and empower your sacred centre, connect with your ancestors, and harness you 're creative potential.
During our time together you will learn how to use herbal medicine for healing. A self exploration with Somatic Herbalism rituals, Shamanic drum guided meditation, Temazcal ritual and magik Mystical dance rituals.
Our loving intention is to create a safe space for you to explore and connect with your heart, body, higher self, and ancestral guides so you can navigate your life with more wisdom and clarity.
Come connect with your inner safety and the lessons of your souls journey
through embodying the power of ceremony and its healing guidance.
This event includes:
~ Medicine dance journey with DJ
~ Healthy meals
~ Camping
~Tantra, yoga and somatic herbalism dance classes
~ Integration phone call a week after event
~Medicine Making
~Temazcal Sweat Lodge
~ integration
May 17th to 20th 2024
May 17th @ 5pm Friday to set up your sleeping arrangement.
Opening circle @ 7pm
to Monday 20th 3pm
Beautiful home On salt Spring island
near Long Harbour Road
All food is included and organically or locally sourced.
Please arrive with a full belly
Brunch will be served after yoga Monday morning.
Allergies and sensitivities will be considered.
᯽Please bring fruit or dried seeds and nuts for the alter.
We will share these offerings to ground Saturday night together᯽
Camping is included. You are responsible for bringing all that you need to have a comfortable sleep outdoors. There is plenty of flat space to set up tents.
Vehicle camping is also possible.
There will be one room available for rent.
Let us know in your registration if this is something you are interested in.
1 available rooms $100/night
Payment plan is available.
$100 deposit is required upon registration.
Limited space (15 people).
Pay by e-transfer to
~ Tent and sleeping gear
~ Journal, pen/writing supplies
~ Water bottle
~ Clothing and outdoor layers
~ Blindfold
~Temazcal wear long dress for women/short for men
~ 1 candle in glass and any alter objects you desire to connect with your ancestors
~ Medicine offering (traditionally sage, tobacco or cedar for the Abuelita)
~ Fruits, nuts and seeds for the alter that will be shared by the group after ceremony
Asaya likes sharing different ways to awaken and reconnect to source, and learning from different traditions. She is constantly learning from the plant world as she follows her passion for herbal medicine, ceremony and ritual, massage and energy healing.
Asaya has been travelling for over 17 years; learning wildcraft and natural medicine from men and women all around the world so she can help her community with vibrational medicine. She was trained in the Mayan tradition in Guatemala, studying with Nana Marina. She also draws from her experiences learning about cacao with Keith Wilson, tantra sex magic with Dr Bill, and taking part in Mystical Dance Tantra teacher training at Agama.
Asaya studied herbal medicine and ayurveda at Pacific Rim College and continues to work closely with her herbal teacher, Seán Pádraig O'Donoghue. She learned Elemental Healing from the Moon Dance ritual circle of Abuelita Tonalmitl. Asaya is now an Abuelita 7 year moon dancer from the Nawat tradition of Mexico.