Awakening The Wild Sisters Gathering
Salt Spring Island
16 December 2022
Come connect to the true power of your sacred sensuality. This energy is the source of our aliveness and creative expression. There has been a long history of female sexual suppression and shaming. Our intention is to create a safe space for authentic self expression and to give each other permission to unleash the wild from within. Using movement, breath, herbal medicine, ancient mystical ritual dance, and the power of your mind you will unleash the wild in yourself and your sisters.

Learn to:
Embody the power of ceremony and the healing guidance it can create in your life and the lives of those around you.
Integrate movement, breath exercises, mystical rituals and ancient practices into your modern-day life.
Seek guidance and support through shamanic journeying.
Receive lessons from your inner guidance and dreams, and gain a deeper perspective of your life challenges.
Use shamanic dance and somatic herbal medicine for self exploration. Connect with your heart, body, soul, higher self and ancestral guides to help you navigate your life with more wisdom and clarity.
Communicate with your subconscious mind to activate your innate wisdom.
Use hypnosis and the power of your mind to manifest and achieve your goals.
Reclaim your sexual sovereignty and erotic innocence.
Explore the art of sensual alchemy and discover how your sexual energy can unlock keys for your spiritual awakening
Awaken and restore your true soulful, feminine creative power.
"Our ancestors drew health, strength, nourishment, and meaning from their relationship to the natural world, and yet today most of us have lost that vital connection. It should then come as no surprise that we are living in an age of unprecedented anxiety, depression, loneliness, and illness.”
“ Our bodies, minds, and spirits have become unbalanced in an unbalanced world. Plants are our wild kindred and have the power to connect us with the life within and around
~ Seán Pádraig O'Donoghue


Corinne Donnelly
Hypnotherapy, DJ
and Yoga teacher.
Coco has a spicy, playful energy. She loves to get sexy, bring the fire and inspire the raw creative potential in herself and others. Opening the infinite depths of her sensual pleasure has been a long and awakening journey. Through this creative portal we touch the Divine. Working with this energy is one of her gifts to the world and she is excited to share this deeply sensual and bright energy with you.
Corinne studied hypnotherapy with the Hypnotherapy Academy of America and is inspired by the work of people such as her teachers Tim and Angela Simmerman-Sierra, Gil Boyne, Joe Dispenza and Louise Hay. Through her own healing journey and life experiences she has found that using the power of her mind to consciously create her reality from the subconscious level has been one of the most powerful tools in her tool belt. Weeding the garden of negative thinking takes diligence and awareness; Corinne will help you on this path.
Corinne is also a certified yoga Instructor of Traditional Tantric Lineage from Shri Kali Yoga in Goa, India. She teaches the Tri Dosha, which is a dosha balancing asana series that is accessible by all. The Tri Dosha incorporates deep breath and relaxation while strengthening the body and aligning the mind/body connection. This is another ancient practice to help relax, heal and let the subconscious mind do its perfect work. We will use this practice to activate the pleasure of our true essence.
Coco loves to DJ and use her saucy energy to curate experiences through this art. She will take you on a musical journey as you expand your vision inward.

Asaya Heart
Abuelita Tlazōlteōcualt
Somatic Herbalism
and Medicine Ceremonies
Offering a space for you to express yourself and reflect on your journey. She will help you explore the roots of imbalances such as grief, fear, addiction, fatigue, sleep disruptions, low libido, hormonal and digestive issues. Together, you will explore lifestyle changes, rituals, and plant medicines that can help you experience more abundance, love, peace, and personal power so you can make choices from a more centred place.
Asaya approaches healing using Ayurvedic principle and believes that “You have to feel it if you want to heal it. : She can help you understand the potent power of plant medicine for spiritual, emotional and physical healing through moving with the motion and opening up the truth in your heart.
She likes sharing different ways to awaken and reconnect to the source learning from different traditions. She is constantly learning from the plant world, following her passion for Herbal medicine, Ceremony and Ritual, Massage and Energy healing.
She has been travelling for over 17 years. Learning wildcraft and natural medicine from men and women all around the world. Asaya has been following her passion to help her community with Vibrational medicine. She was trained in the Mayan tradition in Guatemala, studying with Nana Marina. She also draws from her experiences learning about Cacao with Keith Wilson, learning Tantra Sex Magic with Dr Bill, and taking part Mystical Dance Tantra teacher training at Agama. She also studied herbal Medicine and Ayurveda at Pacific Rim College and continues to work closely with her herbal teacher, Seán Pádraig O'Donoghue . She learned elemental Healing from the Moon Dance ritual circle of Abuelita Tonalmitl. She is now an Abuelita 7 year Moon dancer from the Nawat Tradition of Mexico.
Space limited to 15 people. Our intention is to have an intimate gathering to go deep with the medicine together from beginning until the end.
It is important to be committed to self and group dynamics.
Sweat lodge
Ceremony Dance ritual
Sleep 4 am to 9ish
Brunch 10 am
Integration and Somatic Herbalism 11 to 1 pm
COST: $150 including medicine and Brunch.
Please e-transfer of $80 non refundable deposit to asayaheart@gmail.com and bring the remaining in cash.
We also have a payment plan available: Sister payment plan
FOOD: We will provide water, snacks, tea and light meals Saturday until Sunday brunch.
Bring something to share for the potluck after the Sweat Lodge Friday.
SLEEPING: We will be sleeping all together like a big tribe family. The space will be welcoming you Friday 4:30pm to Saturday mid afternoon. Bring all your sleeping gear to sleep.
**We change the location to a nice cozy nurturing Log House with fire place, indoor kitchen and bathroom with indoor and outdoor showers, in a beautiful magical forest land near Long Harbour ferry to make it easier access for the winter days.
LOCATION: Walkers Hook, Salt Spring Island
Address will be share after registration. Please register before
If you wish to be pick up from the ferry it is best to take the direct ferry from Vancouver at 3:20 pm
it arrive at the Long Harbour terminal at 5:50pm.
We will be getting into the Sweat Lodge at 7pm
-Water bottle, bowl, spoon
-Medicine offering (traditionally sage, tobacco or cedar for Abuelita and Elder)
-Warm sleeping bag/blankets, pillow, sleeping mat etc. for sleep and ceremony
-Comfortable clothes for all temperatures
-Blind fold
-Something that makes you feel sexy (sexy underwear etc. possible layers for undressing)
-Notebook and pen
-Candle in a glass for your ancestor
- Alter objects if desired
-Sweat Lodge dress **
-Extra snacks to share after ceremony and for yourself if you need, non-alchoholic beverages
-Yoga matt
AGREEMENTS SPECIFIC TO CEREMONY: These agreements are to support you in going deeper in your own healing process.
-I agree to stay in the ceremony from beginning to end.
-I agree to follow all instructions from the facilitators unless they contravene my immediate safety or integrity.
-I agree not to bring any other medicines into the ceremony, and to only smoke tobacco intentionally, in a prayerful way.
-I agree to be present and participate in the ceremony as fully as I am able, contributing my energy and prayers to the energy of the group and ceremony.
When you feel you don’t have the energy to keep dancing remember that is the mind talking. All the energy you need is within you. When you feel you need more energy you can use the energy of the fire, the earth, the air, the water, and everyone there to help you. You are not alone, we are working together.
-I agree not to talk with the other participants DURING CEREMONY (you can talk to Asaya & the facilitators).
This is also very important to help yourself and others stay in their own process. You can make all the sounds you want, just no chatter.
-I agree not to touch the other participants during ceremony.
This is very important to keep the energy clear to help facilitate the cleansing during ceremony.
-I agree to stay in my process. If I see someone having a hard time, I will pray for them or let the facilitators know. If I am having a difficult time, I will pray, move it, or ask for help from the facilitators.
Prayer means focus. When you feel you can’t do anything, you can pray. If you want to support someone else in their process, you can pray for them. This is the most powerful tool in ceremony and in life. Pray for love, for healing, for protection, pray for focus.
-I agree and understand that I am fully responsible for receiving the medicine and for the amount I choose to drink/eat.
-I agree not to use any drugs or marijuana during the weekend ceremony as to fully go inside and not suppress or distract myself from the process, trusting in this process.
Thank you for taking the time to read and understand these agreements.
Please feel free to send any questions/concerns you may have. If you need any guidance or emotional support throughout the weekend we will be present to hold space for you.
We are there to help you remember the light within your soul, so that you can feel in full alignment with all of creation. Facilitating the journey means creating a safe space for you to share your gifts and prayers, with all-embracing acceptance in how you need to express what is moving through you. On this magical land, and wild forest , may this space be a place for you to fully surrender.
Many Blessings and may your preparation for this weekend feel nourishing!
So much love to you!