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Astral Ritual Ticture:


Blue totus flower






Blue Lotus smells like something else!  It truly is a magical flower, transportative and other wordly.  Egyptian Blue Lotus has the latin name Nymphaea caerulea.  Only Egyptian Blue Lotus has the two important alkaloids – Aporphine & Nuciferine.


The Aphrodisiac Water Lily


 Ancient Egypt's favorite love potion right there in all its glory.

The flower provides a relaxing effect while slipping the consumer into a sensual, dreamy state. Along the Nile River, these lily flowers were and are a common occurrence.


Due to the ancient culture's propensity for wild parties and orgies (based on papyrus pornography left behind), this common flower was the inevitable and obvious choice for a party medecine.

 It played an important role in ancient Egyptian, Greek, and Roman cultures. 

Ancient Egyptians and Mayans used blue lotus flowers as ritual plants to achieve euphoria and ecstasy. The flower was depicted in ancient Egyptian papyri and tomb art, and during the 14th century B.C., ancient Egyptians used it for healing and shamanic rituals. These plants played a vital role in the cultures they flourished in.

The blue lotus flower contains alkaloids, tannins, phenolic acids, and flavonoids. The alkaloids apomorphine and nuciferine in the plant help release dopamine and serotonin to influence your mood and produce mild magik effects that induce euphoria ( Anecdotal evidence suggests that the flower may also cause visual and auditory hallucinations.


2. May Help You Sleep


The alkaloids nuciferine and apomorphine in the flower may induce sleep and help you wake up without hallucinations. Apomorphine is often used in clinical settings as anesthesia and to ease sleep problems associated with Parkinson’s disease. Nuciferine enhances the sleep-inducing effects of apomorphine 

According to anecdotal evidence,  blue lotus flower  helped people have more lucid dreams.


3. May Relieve Anxiety


Blue lotus flowers are known for their anxiety-relieving abilities. Lotus blossoms are used to ‘calm emotional disturbances’ in Eastern medicine. Apomorphine has also been linked to reducing anxiety levels 


4. May Reduce Signs Of Aging


The blue lotus flower contains antioxidants, which may help fight free radicals and slow down the early signs of aging. A study found that blue lotus flower extract could significantly reduce acne

It has been speculated that the flower was used in ancient Egyptian culture as part of healing and shamanistic rituals dating back to the fourteenth century B.C. Today, blue lotus flower is used as a sleep aid and anxiety reliever, but has also been described as a mild stimulant.


“Aporphine is a magik compound that acts as a dopamine agonist, meaning it can instill a happy and euphoric feeling. It may also help with muscle control in those with conditions such as Parkinson’s disease and erectile dysfunction.

Nuciferine is compound thought to act as an anti-psychotic drug that induces feelings of calmness through mechanisms that aren’t yet fully understood. It has also been shown to improve symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

Blue Lotus has been used as a sleep aid, an anxiety reduction aid and an aphrodisiac! It's used to encourage lucid dreaming and to elevate consciousness.




Blue Lotus contains a host of alkaloids, though the main compounds are nuciferine and aporphine. Aporphine takes the center stage when it comes to the mild psychoactive effects of the plant due to its antagonistic activity on the D1 and D2 dopamine receptors. 



Astral Ritual Tincture: Blue Lotus Flower

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